My daughter had her 10th birthday party last night. We spent an afternoon playing creative games, making our own snack-kebabs, identifying our fingerprints, playing BINGO, and eating a homemade cake. After the main party a few girls stayed the night but just as everyone got ready for bed and in their pajamas someone had the idea - "hey - why don't we go to a movie"?
Usually I don't go to movies at 9:30 at night because they end so late it makes it impossible to function for our lives the next day. However, since this was a sleepover and I figured the girls would not sleep much anyway, I agreed. The next request was, "Can we take the limo?"
It was loads of fun to fill up the limo with giggling girls in pajamas with their stuffed bunnies and bears. I even wore my pajama top and bunny slippers (see picture) to join in the fun. On the way to the theater the girls giggled and laughed the entire way until it was time to drop them off at the entrance to the theater. Upon disembarking from the limo I could hear them all yell, "we are famous!"
I am sure some people were amused to see 5 girls in pajamas climb out of a vintage white limo yelling, "we are famous".
I am not sure when we had the most stares, though. Was it when we disembarked from the limo or was it when we entered the movie theater lobby dressed in our pajamas on a Saturday night when everyone else was "dressed to the nines" with their dates!
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