Monday, December 8, 2008

101 Uses for a Vintage Limo #18: Holiday Party

In Des Moines we have a great tradition - local businesses donate light displays in a large park, people pay to drive through and see the displays and all the money goes to charity. It is a win-win-win situation :) It was no surprise, then, that my friend and owner of The Fair World Gallery ( , Christine, opted for a limo ride to see the holiday lights. She's always thinking about how she can help the community - even when she is hosting a party for her team at the gallery! I am not sure who had more fun though - them or me? I prepared for the evening by polishing my leather (AKA very well loved) jacket and limo driver hat. When Sofi asked where I was going I said, "to play dress up".

I vacuumed and cleaned the limo, decorated it with holiday flowers, a nutcracker and some wire-wrapped stars from India and sprayed real essential oils of pine and cloves into the interior to add a more festive mood. Harp music was playing in the CD player and mini-candy canes were in a stocking hangin near the seats. Of all the "101 Uses" I have - so far this is my favorite one.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Vintage Limo Monologues #12: A Local Point of View

I've been having fun lately seeing how much I can do WITHOUT the car. I know a lot of other people who have done the same. It is strange to be writing a BLOG about a limo and one of the topics is NOT driving it...but, then, that is the entire point of the share what happens.

I have been thinking about my experiences the past few weeks trying NOT to drive. What I have noticed is that I tend to stay closer to home and shop at the local shops in Windsor Heights. I have seen more of my neighbors and so have the kids. I have noticed more around my neighborhood because I am around here more often. All in all, I have focused locally.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all do this even just once a week? By focusing locally we would be eating fruits and vegetables grown near where we live and this would be healthier for us. If we focused on what was around us we would have a tighter and more enjoyable neighborhood community and people would not be as lonely. If we focused on those things around us then we might realize our immediate or extended family and friends need help or need time and we can give it to them. That would reduce the need for International charities. If everyone just spent one day a week focusing on what is around them the world would be a better place!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

101 Uses for a Vintage LIMO #17: Helping Abused Children

I recently donated a limo ride to the Mentor Iowa auction and am really looking forward to giving some of the children rides as well! Thank you for contacting me Melissa! If you would like to do any volunteer work for this wonderful organization please visit their website at:

101 Uses for a Vintage LIMO #16: Unicorn Transport

I recently found out that the unicorns I "breed" (and sell on ETSY at:

The Dream Angels ETSY) like to ride in limos. This unicorn in the picture also likes to go to fancy shows and dress up. I suppose I should not be surprised. My favorite place to knit is in my little wicker chair nook with the sunlight streaming in. However, I find that when I am driving someone around in the LIMO and I have to wait, that knitting is a perfect thing to pass the time! It helps pay for the gas too :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

101 Uses for a Vintage LIMO #15: Sophisticated Picnic

What picnic does not feel more sophisticated when there is a limo in the background? LOL!

The Vintage Limo Monologues #11: Environmental Awareness

Although the limo uses more gas than my old car, I am finding that I actually use less gas than I used to. Ironically, owning a less efficient car has made me more environmentally aware. My last car was somewhat fuel efficient so I didn't think about gas that much. I put it in the car, drove where I wanted to and didn't do much towards conserving fuel. The lazy part of me figured since I didn't commute to work and back every day I was already doing my part.

However, now that I have a car that gets only 15 mpg I often it really worth going across town to shop? Why don't we just walk instead of driving to the store? I don't really need to go to the grocery store more than once a week...sometimes the car will sit in the driveway for days!

My awareness of how much I actually used to drive and how much fuel I was using has become more pronounced. I have learned that I don't need to drive to as many places, and that I don't really need to drive much at all! I wonder how many other people are going through this same process as gas prices rise? Are more people taking the bus to save money? Are people taking fewer trips and working from home more? If this is the result of rising gas prices then perhaps it has all been "worth it" in some ways. At least once person (me) on this planet has greatly reduced their driving time and that is great for the environment. How many others have done the same?

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Vintage Limo Monologues #10: Fear & Familiarity

Today I changed a tire! I want to shout it from the rooftops! I changed a tire! A tire! I took a jack and I pumped up the car and I took of the nuts and I actually CHANGED A TIRE!!!!! Well, my 11-year-old son helped...but WE CHANGED THE TIRE!

How can a woman who's graduated from Northwestern University, travelled the world alone more than once, shot photos at gunpoint, learned Arabic, did photo shoots in 130 degree weather when 3-months pregnant, finish in the state finals as a long distance runner, run the Drake relays in High School, survive an earthquake in Cairo, can I find it exciting that I changed a tire?

For the simple reason that I am 39 years-old, I have never done it before and I have always been scared to try. This fear has caused me to call out for help in the pouring rain and wait for an hour for someone else to come change the tire for me. It has cost me hundreds of dollars in towing fees because I coulnd't change the tire in my own driveway or on the side of the road and it has caused me the frustration of feeling helpless.

But why was changing a tire so hard for me and these other things were easier? After today I think I have an idea why. For me, travel was easier than changing a tire because I had read many books about it and had dreamed of it for years. I had watched many movies about people travelling. It was challenging and a bit scary the first time, but it was easier to make that jump since I had already built the bridge of familiarity. \

Reflecting on what suddenly made me able to change a tire, I realize it was the same basic principle. In the past I have been in situations where the tire needed to be changed right away. I was on the side of the road, I was late to an appointment or I needed to get somewhere. THIS TIME the car was in the driveway, I had already gone shopping for the week and I didn't really need it. I didn't feel like dealing with it right away and paying all that money for someone to tow it (and Steve is out of town for another week) so I let it sit. A day went by and I let it sit. I thought about it for a while and thought about what my options were. I thought of some friends who might be able to help but they were all busy. Another day went by. I looked out the window and saw the tire again. Steve called one of his friends to help me but he was at a funeral. So I let it sit. I told myself that Monday morning I would have someone tow it but Monday morning came and I didn't feel like dealing with it. So I let it sit. I thought about different options again. I wondered if someone was going to come and help. Nobody came. So I let it sit.

But then, suddenly at 3pm today I looked at the car and I said to myself - why not try? The simple fact that the flat tire had become FAMILIAR to me gave me the courage to venture into something new. So I told the kids that I was going to change the tire and Sunii said "really??? Can I help?" Having a CHEERING SQUAD also helps! But it turns out that he was also very helpful. He remembered the motto for loosening the nuts that I had forgotten (Righty tighty - lefty loosey) and he gave me the idea of an angle on the nuts that finally worked (they were on their TIGHT!). And it was HIM that loosened that 5th nut - the last one that I didn't think I was going to be able to do.

It makes me reflect on how hard we push our kids to do new things. Sometimes we don't understand why a child can't just clean their room, learn that math concept or finish reading a book. We wonder what is the big deal about trying a new food, why do they have to sit there at the table for an hour instead of taking a taste of it? we get so frustrated with their apprehension about new things...but as adults we all have that same apprehension. Think of the one thing you have never done and ask yourself...what am I scared of?

Why are we sometimes scared of new people? Do we find the person frightening? No. We find the fact that they are unfamiliar frightening to us.

As humans there is sometimes an inherent fear of new and unfamiliar things - it does not matter if these things are difficult or easy, what matters most to us is that we have never done it before and that it is entirely unfamiliar to us.

I think of all the times that the kids finally tried that new food after seeing me eat it about ten times....and now I understand more clearly. Making something familiar can help us try new things.

I hope this post can inspire you to try something new today or to be more patient with a child you are teaching to do something new :) Try easing into the new thing and letting it become familiar to you or the child and see what happens. Perhaps it will work for you too! I have to admit I never thought I would EVER change a tire.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Vintage Limo Monologues #9: Spa Day

Limo has a spa day today - got oil changed, new filters a new gasket and a nice car wash with wax and everything! The secret to owning a vintage car is maintence, maintence, maintence...

Hey, come to think of it that is the secret to owning a vintage body too...I wish all I needed was an oil change and a new gasket! Whew! And why was it so easy to spend all that money on a spa day for the LIMO but I think twice about doing it for me?
Hmmm...thinking twice here...yes! I deserve it too!

101 Uses for a Vintage LIMO #14: BALL TRANSPORT

Usage #14....To transport things that are too large for a car or a van, but too delicate for a truck.

Now, suppose you have this big bouncy exercise ball that was blown up so much that it cannot fit in your car or van? And you need to move it? You can't rent a U-haul just for one ball! So once again - another great use for a vintage limo.

My kids thoughts on the matter:

"Mom, why do we have a big yellow ball in the back of the LIMO????"

101 Uses for a Vintage LIMO #13: MOVING VAN

Usage # help a friend move boxes. Hey - I know the tradition is to find a friend with a truck to help you move from one abode to another. But the new trend is to ask a friend with a LIMO. Trucks are SOOOOOO yesterday!

Yah, right. Anyway....a friend of mine needed to move about 30 boxes to her new storage closet so we both got some exercise by going up and down three flights, driving the boxes to the new apartment and then going up and down three flights again. But there is just something about doing all that with the LIMO that makes it! Or at least funNY to a lot of people who were watching us :)

Enjoy the pictures....

Monday, March 31, 2008

101 Uses for a Vintage LIMO #12: ART GALLERY

A wonderful lady called me from Barnes & Noble this week where my photos were on display for the month of March. She wanted to purchase all the photos! She also asked if I had more. So I brought a selection of more framed photos and we had a wonderful little private meeting/exhibit in the back of the LIMO! It was so much fun!

If anyone else has any ideas to add to my list...just tell me...I may have left some ideas out...I'll make sure I am organized about it later...
OK...only 89 more USES to go!

Blessings & Health,


Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Vintage Limo Monologues #8: On Being Vintage

As you all know our limo is vintage. It IS NOT OLD (ok, can you tell I'm a bit protective) - it's vintage! I always make sure people know that (wink). I keep it cleaned and waxed and shined and vaccuumed and it looks pretty awesome most of the time. It is in good shape. A few nicks here and there...and some hidden issues. Like the doors started falling off on the inside a week ago. I just need to tighten the screws. They had been taken apart to replace the windows (before I purchased it) so I guess the screws were not put back right. Not a big deal. I will get around to it...but meanwhile...they have been like that for a week and we can't use that one door.

So, Sofi, finally having had enough said to me today, "Mom, no offense but our limo is really vintagey!"

If she had said OLD (which is what she wanted to say) I might have cried :)

I sorta like that word...vintagey!

I think when I "grow up" I'm going to be vintagey too!

Blessings & Health,


Saturday, March 15, 2008

101 Uses for a Vintage LIMO #11: TO MAKE YOU FAMOUS

Well, limo has been sitting around for a few weeks. That is why there has been nothing to post here. I could have posted a daily diary...Day ONE: Limo covered in one foot of snow...Day TWO: Limo covered in 1.4 feet of snow....Day THREE: I am thinking I should uncover the Limo and get out of the house...etc....

But I decided to spare you all. So FINALLY the limo is getting out again (and yes, I really did stay at home for three weeks -except for groccery shopping). The snow finally stopped (well, for now) and it has been warm - nearly 45 degrees on some days! WOW!

So we unburied the LIMO and took it to Mr. Carwash and did some shopping. The first time we were out in it Sofi had some things to say about her first ride in three weeks. She said, "Mom, wouldn't it be fun if people thought we were famous because we are riding in a limo and then when we went shopping they gave us things for free?"

I had to burst her bubble on that one. I explained to her that if you were famous it would be more likely that people would overcharge you for things. I gave an example of some famous person eating at a fancy restaurant and paying $15.00 for some french fries or something like that.

She was a bit confused about that. She was just SURE that if you were famous you must get things for free.

But I had to laugh when a few days later I heard her explaining the concept to her friend. Only this time it was "translated" into 9-year-old this is FUNNY!

I took her and a friend to the craft store because I needed some yarn. I knew they would go crazy there without any money so I told them they could each have $2.00 to spend. They were thrilled. They brought their dolls and raced to the door so they could each push the cart with their doll in it. I mentioned to them that there was no limit on how many carts you could have in a shopping trip and that EACH of them could actually have their own shopping cart. They were very happy about that.

So off went the little shoppers with their $2.00 and their dolls being pushed in the carts. Looking at wooded boxes, little beads, glass stones, ribbons, etc...happy as can be. I found the yarn I needed, pried them away from the craft store and we headed back to the limo.

On our way back to the limo the DOLLS had the following conversation. Keep in mind that my kids think the LIMO is an extention of their dress-up box. They don't see it as anything real. Everytime we go out now it has to be some different adventure. We can't just "go to the store" anymore. One day we are famous singers going to buy something, another day we are famous actors or today the DOLLS were the famous ones...

(The dolls are named Abigail and Samantha and the girl's were speaking for them)

Samantha: I am so glad nobody recognized me in there. I am so famous and people are always wanting my autograph.

Abigail: Me too! Only one person asked for my autograph today!

Samantha: And I got a really good deal on some craft supplies too! I paid $50.00 for something that was supposed to be only $2.00!

Abigail: Huh?

Sofi, switching to herself again, re-explains what I told her a few days ago about famous people being overcharged.

Uh...but I think she missunderstood! I never said that famous people enjoyed being overcharged! But aparently Samantha the doll is a different sort of famous person...

I just love kids!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Vintage Limo Monologues #7: On Being Dangerous

I went to a birthday party last week and a boy told me there in a secretive whisper "My mom won't let me ride in a limo until I am 13". Sofi invited 10 girls to her birthday party and one cannot come because her mom (told the girl, not me) that riding in a limo is not good for her!

I find it amazing the number of things parents can find to be worried about. The last thing in the world I imagined was that my limo would be one of them. So, now I imagine there is this little clan of women going around whispering about how much damage I am doing to my children by letting them ride in a limo.

Ah! If only I could answer them I would tell them - It is people who think like YOU that were part of the reason I purchased it in the first place. If you scroll down to one of the first entries you can see that one reason I offer free rides is that I think one thing we all don't get enough of in this society is people telling us we are "good enough" or we "deserve something special". When was the last time someone said that to YOU?

Children mostly hear, "That food is not healthy, that game is not healthy, that activity is not good for you, don't be greedy, don't this and don't that." and we grow up thinking it is wrong to ask for anything and that we don't deserve anything. I have struggled with this my entire life. To this day I find it hard to charge people even when I am doing WORK for them!

As adults we rarely hear about how special we are and how we deserve the best. There is a lot of emphasis on serving our kids and our spouses and giving equal time to things and volunteering and the church or school. But there is nobody out there telling us - "take care of yourself and you deserve a treat".

This was of thinking in life has fostered an entire group of people who feel inadequete, are scared to ask for the things they need and are unable to earn enough money because deep down they think they don't deserve that much or they think "rich people are greedy and I don't want to be them".

So what can you learn by riding in a limo as a child? A lot!

1. You deserve the best - no matter what kind of day you had and no matter who you are you can ride in a luxury car and have someone open the door for you.

2. Luxury and Superiority are an illusion. There is a lot of show in life. Someone needs to own a certain car or wear certain clothes. Having a limo as a single mom on a budget is like my own private joke. It is laughing at the stereo types. It is saying "hey - having the right clothes and the right car does not MAKE you who you are. You ARE who you ARE no matter what car you drive or clothes you wear". I am a single mom on a budget who eats granola with plain yoghurt every morning and loves alternative schooling and natural healing. So...see? The limo didn't make me who I am. It is almost a joke that I drive one!

3. When you have something nice like a nice car or nice clothes, or nice house you should SHARE! A lot of nice cars are only driven by one person, a lot of nice houses with 16 rooms are lived in by a couple with one child. So we have a nice limo and we drive all our friends around in it, I volunteer for birthday parties, I offer people rides, I donate rides. I love sharing. If more people who had nice things would share then what a different world it would be! So how about it? Can I come over and watch a show on your BIG SCREEN TV? Or bring my kids over to swim in the backyard pool?

4. It teaches you to be brave enough to do something different for your own reasons. The kids all know the reasons I have the limo (1-3 above and more) and they see that I am not "doing like everyone else". I hope this inspires them in their own lives some day.

5. It teaches you a sense of humor. How silly is this anyway? To go through a car wash or a drive through in a limo? To get dropped off at school in a limo? To park a limo in your driveway??? It brings out an appreciation for the absurd in life!

And much more...but those are it for now. I have work to do!

Blessings & Health,

The Vintage Limo Monologues #6: Learning Self Care

You know how they make kids dress in those frilly little tight-shoed outfits to go to Sunday School? There is a reason for that! When you are dressed so nicely there is just someting that happens to your mind you feel less capable of messing around and fidgiting. I used to think "I look silly wearing this pretty dress and playing in the mud or swinging my feet or...whatever".

The same thing happened to me driving the limo. Now, perhaps it is just me. Perhaps it is all those years wearing frilly dresses in church that prepared me for this moment. But however it happened the moment has finally come when I can say that I am cured. Cured from 23 years of not bring able to keep my car washed. Cured of abusing every car I owned!

Because when I had a "car" it seemed to me fine that it was not always washed. And you know the ole "make the bed" theory...why make the bed when you are just going to mess it up again at night???? Well, I always thought the same about my cars. I would wash them when it started to get dark inside because of the build up on the windows!

But there is something about looking at a dirty limo that is just "wrong" somehow. It looks sad, weird, strange, not "right". I can't quite put my finger on it but in my head there is this stereotype of this shiny white limo and when it isn't shiny it just looks like...well, not a car and not a limo. I don't KNOW what!

So we went through the drive-through. Mr. Car wash offers wash with all the bells and whistles and all you have to do is put your car in neutral, roll up the windows and watch the pretty chemical filled soap in various colors rain down on your car. Funny, we were the only limo there today...but everyone else had a dirty car too - so we had at least one thing in common!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

101 Uses for a Vintage LIMO #10: TO MEET MEN

I can' tell you how many men have come up to me and asked me about the limo and started conversations with me. I actually feel guilty. I am a mom with three kids and I am really not interested in meeting men. But I have a lot of gal friends who might be. Perhaps I should lend them the limo for the day?

Anyway, these are my two most memorable meetings:

1. A month or two ago I was at the gas station. The limo was all washed and I was feeling all happy with it and it was a nice day and I was smiling. A gorgeous young man came up to me and started asking me questions about the car. I was happy to share. I am fascintated with the car myself so it is interesting to learn more about it and what other people know about cars (This is coming from someone who used to identify her last car as "purple"). So I chatted on happily and very flattered that this gorgeous young hunk about half my age would even talk to me. Then, as I was taking out the gas line and getting ready to get back into the car he asked me if I would be interested in hearing about The Church of....

Ah! That explains the suit! And I guess he could smell my "vanity" a mile away. Good method though. I fell for it! Cute guy, flattery...who could resist?

Too bad I had to drive off somewhere on an important errand.

2. Two days ago I was parking my car in the grocery store parking lot and the gentleman who was putting the carts away stopped me. "Yah trying to save money on gas?" He laughed. I laughed back. "Yah right! But I don't drive much actually. I work from home so I drive only a couple times a week." Then he started to talk about the car "You know if you got a new paint job and fixed it up and..."

I had to speak up to defend my baby! Oh, she does not need new paint. She is just dirty from sitting in the snow for a couple weeks. Just needs a new cover or some repair there. And the inside is completely re-done. Ok, I can't believe I am defending a CAR!

He looked at me skeptically and continued his imaginary repairs, "...and then you could be a limo driver!" he finished with flourish.

"I already am," I replied, "I have 3 kids I drive around all the time."

Well at least I've graduated. I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that said "mom's taxi" so now I can say I am "mom's limo". Cool!